Physical Space

Physical Space

Physical Space - Your Surrounding Atmosphere

I guide people through the process of incorporating Feng Shui principles in their homes, enabling them to create an optimal environment filled with positive vibes. By understanding key details such as color selection, furniture placement and natural lighting direction - they can develop a harmonious atmosphere that is tranquil yet energizing!

Let me help you increase your emotional energy.

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Some of my Feng Shui techniques


In feng shui, color is believed to play an important role in creating a harmonious and balanced environment, with different colors believed to have specific energies and effects on the people who inhabit the space.


Feng shui emphasizes the importance of furniture placement and selection, with the aim of creating a flow of positive energy throughout a space and promoting a sense of balance and well-being.


In feng shui, light is considered an important factor in creating a harmonious and uplifting environment, with the use of natural light and appropriate lighting fixtures believed to positively influence the flow of energy in a space.

Art Work

In feng shui, art is viewed as a powerful tool for enhancing the energy of a space, with carefully chosen artwork believed to promote positive emotions and create a sense of harmony and balance.

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